Welcome back to a massive and all new season 2 of SMACK. More hosts, more podcast episodes, more media formats – more of all the things that we loved bringing to you in season 1.
Here’s all that is planned for season 2 from September 2020 to July 2021:
- 20-24 brand new podcast episodes in both German and English
- 4 podcast hosts, of which 2 are brand new to the host team, leading you through the podcast episodes this season. Check them out!
- Brand new video fromat called ‘Ask me anything’ – stay tuned for more.
- Sponsorship opportunities for companies to promote their brand in a podcast episode of Smack. Find out how!
- Live-coverage from various international hospitality events, giving you access to insights and speakers without having to travel
- More frequent content on the SMACK Talk Blog including guest-writers, discussing current and upcoming topics in the hospitality with our usual small dosage of wit.
- More frequent content on the gram – go check it out and follow for more kick-ass stories from around the hospitality industry. Smack on Instagram
Enjoy the show.