We were invited to the German Hotel Kongress 2020 (DHK 2020) to speak to some industry veterans and we’re not one to miss a party! Where there are veterans, the next generation usually isn’t far and so we got some experts together on the whole next-gen discussion and simply switched on the mics – the rest is history! Nadja Dahlmann from the Empire Riverside Hotel Hamburg, Sophie Gotte from the Marias Platzl Hotel Munich and Kerem Akduman from the Intercontinental Hotel Berlin had an hour to spare and came to visit us on the show to discuss the challenges of talent-acquisition and talent-retention from their perspective. In true SMACK-fashion we also discussed some off-topic things, including sware-words such as “work-life balance” and cheating the right way! Special thanks to the organizers of the DHK 2020 – enjoy the show!